MARUYOSHI has a wide variety of handbags and other small goods for children such as Mamoruchan brand items for Randoseru (Japanese school bag),
bags for school or swimming pool made of cotton and nylon material designed with popular charactors or with original brand name.
Shows are held at the head office for new products that are released three times a year.
Mamoru means to protect or to safe guard in Japanese language.
To protect Randoseru from getting scratched or dirty,
the most popular item in the series Randoseru Cover was developed with various styles from simple to richly designed.
To protect children from shoulder pain and humidity,
we created Shoulder Pad and Back Pad. The both pads support childrens comfortable school life.
MARUYOSHI also produces items of the original brand
LANCOUTURE, CIAO and Pinocchio.
Handbags in cotton or quilted fabric and backpacks have been made with the brands names.
School bags for junior high and high school students, light bags in stout nylon materials,
are produced with selected materials such as eco-friendly materials, safety reflective tape
and also incorporated with durability for usage over three years.